Icon for Current HLI Categories webpageThe CAP currently exchanges HLI estimates for the below salmon and steelhead species and populations. 

The CAP also contains HLI estimates for superpopulations, which are estimates representing multiple populations. These superpopulations are not shown in the list below, but they are in the downloadable spreadsheet.

The column headings in the below table refer to:

PopID: StreamNet code for the population of fish.

RecoveryDomain: Name of the “recovery domain,” as defined by the NMFS Northwest Region, in which the population falls geographically.

NMFS: is the National Marine Fisheries Service, which is an agency within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

ESU_DPS: For ESA-listed populations, the Evolutionarily Significant Unit / Distinct Population Segment. For non-listed populations, the DPS or other name.

MajorPopGroup:  “Major population group” or “stratum” (defined by NMFS), in which the population falls.

PopulationName: Population name used by StreamNet.

ESAPopName: Population name used by NMFS.