StreamNet Technical Team
The StreamNet Technical Team (SN TT) designs and implements the technical details necessary to share data from partner data systems to the StreamNet database and on to end users. The SN TT provides a forum to discuss data, programming, GIS topics, and common issues among organizations contributing data to the StreamNet data system.
Goals and Objectives
The SN TT strives to improve speed and efficiency of data conversion to StreamNet and Coordinated Assessments Partnership data exchange standards (DESs) by coordinating and supporting efforts of state, tribal, and federal agencies to manage and share fish and aquatic habitat information in the Pacific Northwest. The SN TT focuses on geographic referencing, Fish Monitoring Data (trends), CAP Fish HLIs, fish distribution data, other data types, and metadata submissions to the StreamNet data system to implement the StreamNet program. More specifically, the SN TT:
- Works collaboratively with partners to provide efficient flow of quality data in a timely manner on key fish and aquatic habitat indicators
- Supports sharing best available information in a standardized format and manner, leveraging technology advancements for efficient data sharing
- Achieves efficiencies in data flow processes from partners’ data management systems to the StreamNet data system by facilitating automated data flow between partner and regional data systems
- Discusses and explores approaches for addressing existing challenges related to data management and sharing
- Shares experiences and lessons learned
The SN TT started as an informal group of technical staff who met quarterly to support data flow from data-providing partners’ databases to StreamNet’s central database, ensuring regionally consistent content and format of data that originate from those multiple data sources.
The group was referred to as the Technical subcommittee or committee through roughly 2009. At around the same time, the SN TT fully took over responsibilities for developing the StreamNet DES, which until then was largely done by the StreamNet Steering Committee. The SN TT’s approach to data flow evolves along with data management and technology advancements among partner data systems.
In 2021, the DES tasks for Fish Monitoring Data and other non-CAP Fish HLIs data were assigned to the new StreamNet DDT to clarify roles and responsibilities and align with the CAP DDT.

Relationship with Other Teams and Committees
The SN TT gets guidance from the StreamNet Steering Committee (SN SC), which is guided by the Five-Year Plan for the Coordinated Assessments Partnership, the StreamNet Strategic Plan, and StreamNet’s annual work plans.
The SN TT also works with the Columbia River Basin Fish & Wildlife Library to improve access and management of supporting documents for data submitted to the StreamNet data system. The Library houses these documents and provides stable URLs to incorporate into the StreamNet data system.
Meetings are held bi-annually or as needed throughout the year, with standard meetings occurring in January and July.
The SN TT is composed of staff that implement data management actions in the StreamNet partner organizations. Members include data compilers, GIS specialists, and programmers. The SN TT is organized and facilitated by Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) StreamNet staff.
PSMFC GIS staff participate on the SN TT to support GIS-related tasks and ensure coordination with other PSMFC programs. The StreamNet Program Manager participates as needed to provide contextual input as related to the StreamNet Strategic Plan and also to provide information from the StreamNet Executive Committee and StreamNet Steering Committee.
Current Members
- Mike Banach (Co-chair, PSMFC)
- Greg Wilke (Co-chair, PSMFC)
- Mari Williams (PSMFC)
- Van Hare (PSMFC-GIS Center)
- John Arterburn (Colville Tribes)
- George Batten (Environmental Science Associates, assisting Colville Tribes)
- Denise Kelsey (CRITFC)
- Tami Wilkerson (CRITFC Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Library)
- Evan Brown (IDFG)
- Chris Harrington (IDFG)
- Elizabeth Davis (IDFG)
- Bekki Waskovich (IDFG)
- Kasey Bliesner (ODFW)
- Jon Bowers (ODFW)
- Jake Chambers (ODFW)
- Nadine Craft (ODFW)
- Peter Robinson (ODFW)
- Todd Gilmore (USFWS)
- David Hines (USFWS)
- Michelle Groesbeck (WDFW)
- Leslie Sikora (WDFW)
- Michelle Steg (YN)
- Vacant (MFWP)
Currently there are no members identified for CTUIR, CTWSRO, NPT, and SBT.
Team Documents
File | Description | File Date |
Data Exchange Standard Development and Revision Procedures | Describes process followed when creating a new data exchange standard (DES) or when revising an existing DES used for exchanging standardized data with StreamNet’s fish monitoring data (“trends”) and with Coordinated Assessments Partnership’s fish high level indicators data systems. | 2021 |
StreamNet Data Categories Maintained in 2014 | 2014 | |
Data Management Top Ten List (2015) | These are the ‘top ten’ data management and sharing recommendations condensed from ‘Considerations for Regional Data Collection, Sharing and Exchange’ by StreamNet ( This list, in no particular order, represents aspects to consider and address in developing data management and sharing approaches. They are not specific instructions. | 2010 |