BPA - EPT Monitoring Effectiveness of Complete Fish Passage Barriers Projects v1.0 Years 2014-2019

The protocol details the monitoring design, procedures and quality assurance steps necessary to document and report the effectiveness of: Complete Fish Passage Barriers projects at the project site scale. This supports the Bonneville Power Administrations Programmatic approach to project level Action Effectiveness Monitoring (AEM) for Extensive Post Treatment (EPT), as documented in “Action Effectiveness Monitoring of Tributary Habitat Improvement: a programmatic approach for the BPA Fish and Wildlife Program”. This is based on the Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) protocol SRFB – Monitoring Effectiveness of Fish Passage Projects (ID: 34) (https://www.monitoringmethods.org/Protocol/Details/34) however variations in the design and metrics collected required modification of the protocol.