Data sets submitted to CAP Fish HLI (CAX) and Fish Monitoring Data (Trends) are required to have metadata. Below you can learn more about how you can provide full metadata documentation by:
- Using Monitoring Resources to document your protocols, methods, and other elements. Once you have completed the fields and have “published” your content, you can submit the URL along with your data set. For project data sets funded by Bonneville Power Administration, we are working on facilitating the connection between Monitoring Resources and StreamNet databases.
- Uploading your documents to the StreamNet Library and obtaining a Library URL to submit with your data set. Note that you can also upload your document directly into a StreamNet database, and we will work with the Library to transfer your document and obtain a Library URL.

Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Library
Learn how the Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Library can assist you in making your metadata accessible.

Monitoring Resources
Learn how you can use Monitoring Resources to document your metadata.